Tuesday, March 31, 2009

SAMA conference and First Friday

The SAMA conference was wonderful - full of great presentations and mosaic artist who love the art of mosaic as much as I do. I bought four pounds of smalti and some milliefori - and a book by Sherri Warner Hunter. I could've bought more smalti but I was worried I didn't have any more room in my suitcase. I also took a tour of Nicki De Saine Phalle's Queen Califia's Magical Circle. It was amazing, wonderful, fabulous, inspiring, spiritual and moving. I don't think I can post any pictures I took of the maze or the totems because of copyright, but I will find the link to the Niki Foundation so you can see some images of the place. I can say that pictures don't do the space justice - go and see it, experience it yourself. Here's the URL - http://www.queencalifia.org. I just found another garden with her sculptures: http://nikidesaintphalle.org/press/20080107_missouri_botanical_garden. Her work is mythological, spiritual, and epic.

First Friday is coming up - I'll be demonstrating mosaicing again. I am not sure if I'll work on the birdbath or the dream piece that I need to get done for later in April.

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